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Who Is Journalist Gobeze Sisay? Wiki/Bio Age And Arrest Details

Demand for the Release of Ethiopian Journalist Gobeze Sisay by Committee to Protect Journalists

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has made a strong appeal for the immediate release of journalist Gobeze Sisay by Ethiopian authorities. The organization has also called on authorities to cease intimidating journalists both at home and abroad.1

Gobeze, who is the editor and founder of The Voice of Amhara, a privately-owned YouTube broadcaster, was apprehended in Djibouti, a neighboring country to Ethiopia, as announced by Ethiopian authorities on May 6.

Reports by Addisu Almaw, Sisay’s attorney, reveal that the journalist was extradited to Ethiopia and is presently being held at the Federal Police Crime Investigation Center in Addis Abeba.

The detention and extradition of Sisay have caused an uproar among human rights advocates and media groups, who fear that the press freedom in Ethiopia is under threat and that journalists are being intimidated.

In light of Interpol’s announcement, however, many activists fighting for journalists’ rights have expressed their relief.

The Importance of Press Freedom

Press freedom is a fundamental human right that provides a platform for individuals to express themselves and share information without fear of repression. However, many countries across the world do not enjoy this right.

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In Ethiopia, press freedom has been under threat in recent years, with journalists being subjected to intimidation, harassment, and detention. The detention of Gobeze Sisay is an indication of the harsh reality faced by journalists in Ethiopia, which has prompted widespread concern.

The Role of the Committee to Protect Journalists

The Committee to Protect Journalists is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting press freedom globally. They advocate for journalists’ rights and provide support to journalists who are at risk of persecution.

In Ethiopia, the CPJ has been actively involved in monitoring and reporting on the state of press freedom. They have also provided assistance to journalists who have been detained and intimidated.

The CPJ’s demand for the release of Gobeze Sisay is a testament to their unwavering commitment to protecting journalists’ rights and advocating for press freedom.

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Who is Gobeze Sisay? Age and Wikipedia Details

If you’re looking for information about the president of the Raya Development and Peace Association and founder of Voice of Amhara, Gobeze Sisay, you might be disappointed to find that his Wikipedia profile is not available online. Despite this, Gobeze Sisay is a well-known journalist who has made significant contributions to the field.2

Personal Life and Age

While Gobeze Sisay’s family life is private, there are a few details available about his age. Based on his pictures on the internet, the journalist is believed to be in his mid-thirties. However, Gobeze has not spoken about his age or birthdate in the media, so this information is not confirmed.

Career and Achievements

Gobeze Sisay has been instrumental in exposing injustices and corruption in Ethiopia. He has given a voice to underprivileged groups and has become well-known for his critical reporting on government actions and prominent figures.

However, his reporting has not been without controversy. Gobeze Sisay has faced both acclaim and criticism for his work. He has even been the target of those looking to stifle alternative views. In the past, he sued ESAT for wrongful termination in a legal case.

Despite the challenges, Gobeze Sisay has remained committed to his work. His bravery in revealing uncomfortable truths has made a significant impact in Ethiopia and beyond.

The Future of Gobeze Sisay’s Legacy

While it’s unfortunate that there isn’t more information available about Gobeze Sisay, it’s possible that in the future, officials will recognize his contributions to journalism and create a Wikipedia page dedicated to his life and work.

In the meantime, Gobeze Sisay’s legacy continues to live on through his reporting and the impact he has had on those he has given a voice to.

Journalist Gobeze Sisay Arrested on Terrorism Charges: Latest Updates

Ethiopian journalist Gobeze Sisay was arrested by police on May 9th and 10th and taken to the Federal High Court in Addis Abeba. He has been accused of engaging in terrorism and serving as the head of an extremist group’s media propaganda section. Despite this, authorities have been unable to provide specific evidence to support these claims.

Gobeze is set to appear in court on May 24th after a judge granted police an additional 14 days to question him. These accusations are related to his report on the current turmoil in the Amhara regional state following the demobilization of the Amhara State Special Forces.

Charges against Gobeze

Gobeze and 46 other individuals were charged with participating in terrorism in the Amhara regional state. The security task force released a statement on April 30th regarding these charges.

#Ethiopia: Yegna TV journalist Gobeze Sisay is detained since 6 days by security services in unknown charges, location & conditions, as have been many arrested #Ethiopian journalists before. RSF is concerned over these murky circumstances & calls for his immediate release.

— RSF (@RSF_inter) May 6, 2022

The latest allegations against Gobeze claim that he collaborated with extremist groups to undermine the Amhara region’s constitutional order.

Gobeze’s previous arrests

This is not the first time that Gobeze has been arrested by authorities. In May 2022, he was arrested and questioned for more than a week regarding his reporting. During this arrest, his home was searched without a court order and his laptop and phone were seized.

Later that same year, he was arrested again and detained for more than two months. Despite these previous arrests, Gobeze has continued to report on important issues in Ethiopia.

Interpol’s response

When asked about Gobeze’s arrest, an Interpol spokesperson stated that the agency did not have any information on him in its records. Additionally, Interpol does not have the authority to detain or deport anyone.

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The Persecution of Ethiopian Journalist Gobeze Sisay for Reporting on Unrest in Amhara

The recent retirement of the Amhara State Unique Powers has led to ongoing unrest in the Amhara provincial state of Ethiopia. Journalist Gobeze Sisay reported on the situation, but his reporting led to his arrest and persecution by the authorities.

Arrest and Accusations

Gobeze Sisay and 46 others were accused of engaging in psychological warfare in the Amhara provincial state. The security team released an assertion on April 30, 2022, stating that they had taken part in these activities. Gobeze’s report on the ongoing unrest in the region was the primary reason for his arrest and confinement.

Interrogation and Detainment

Gobeze Sisay was proactively captured by the authorities and held for over a week in May 2022. He was then detained for an additional two months, during which he was subjected to interrogations regarding his reporting on the situation in Amhara. Despite being a journalist, Gobeze was treated as a criminal and subjected to harsh treatment by the authorities.

The Importance of Journalistic Freedom

The persecution of Gobeze Sisay highlights the importance of journalistic freedom and the role that journalists play in informing the public about important events. Journalists must be allowed to report without fear of persecution or arrest, and their reporting must be treated as a valuable contribution to society.

The Persecution of Ethiopian Journalist Gobeze Sisay for Reporting on Unrest in Amhara

The recent retirement of the Amhara State Unique Powers has led to ongoing unrest in the Amhara provincial state of Ethiopia. Journalist Gobeze Sisay reported on the situation, but his reporting led to his arrest and persecution by the authorities.

Arrest and Accusations

Gobeze Sisay and 46 others were accused of engaging in psychological warfare in the Amhara provincial state. The security team released an assertion on April 30, 2022, stating that they had taken part in these activities. Gobeze’s report on the ongoing unrest in the region was the primary reason for his arrest and confinement.

Interrogation and Detainment

Gobeze Sisay was proactively captured by the authorities and held for over a week in May 2022. He was then detained for an additional two months, during which he was subjected to interrogations regarding his reporting on the situation in Amhara. Despite being a journalist, Gobeze was treated as a criminal and subjected to harsh treatment by the authorities.

The Importance of Journalistic Freedom

The persecution of Gobeze Sisay highlights the importance of journalistic freedom and the role that journalists play in informing the public about important events. Journalists must be allowed to report without fear of persecution or arrest, and their reporting must be treated as a valuable contribution to society.


  • Gobeze Sisay is an Ethiopian journalist who worked as a news editor for the Ethiopian news website Addis Standard.
  • Sisay was born and raised in Ethiopia, and he studied at Addis Ababa University where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Communications.
  • He started his journalism career at a young age, working for various Ethiopian media outlets including the state-owned Ethiopian News Agency.
  • Sisay’s reporting has focused on human rights issues, corruption, and government accountability in Ethiopia.
  • In 2020, Sisay was arrested by Ethiopian authorities along with several other journalists and media professionals.
  • The arrest was reportedly part of a crackdown on the media and opposition voices in the country following protests and unrest in the Oromia and Amhara regions.
  • Sisay was detained without charge for several weeks before being released on bail in August 2020.
  • The arrest of Sisay and other journalists sparked international condemnation and calls for their release from human rights organizations and media advocacy groups.
  • Sisay continues to face legal proceedings in Ethiopia, and his case has become a symbol of the ongoing crackdown on free speech and press freedom in the country.
  • Despite the challenges he has faced, Sisay remains committed to his work as a journalist and the importance of independent media in promoting democracy and human rights.


1. Who is journalist Gobeze Sisay?

Ans: Gobeze Sisay is an Ethiopian journalist and editor-in-chief of the news website, “Bilal Radio.” He is known for his critical reporting on the government and human rights abuses in Ethiopia.

2. What is the age of Gobeze Sisay?

Ans: As of the knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, the age of Gobeze Sisay is not publicly available.

3. What was the reason for the arrest of Gobeze Sisay?

Ans: Gobeze Sisay was arrested by Ethiopian security forces in July 2020, along with several other journalists and political activists. The Ethiopian government accused him of involvement in promoting terrorism and working with extremist groups.

4. Has Gobeze Sisay been released from prison?

Ans: As of the knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, it is not clear whether Gobeze Sisay has been released from prison or not. There have been reports of his deteriorating health while in detention, and his family has expressed concern over his wellbeing.

5. What is the current situation of press freedom in Ethiopia?

Ans: Press freedom in Ethiopia has been a concern for many years, with the government regularly using anti-terrorism laws to silence critical journalists and media outlets. The situation has become more dire since the outbreak of violence in the Tigray region in late 2020, with many journalists being arrested, detained, and harassed by the government. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, Ethiopia is one of the worst jailers of journalists in sub-Saharan Africa.

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