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Mewa Login | Mymewa: Login - Metro East Web Academy

Mewa Login | Mymewa: Login – Metro East Web Academy,

About Metro East Web Academy

at Metro East, Web Academy cares about the whole child. They want your children to receive a great education, but we believe that for children to succeed in academics, they must be good both socially and emotionally first since this is so important to us, we incorporate lessons into classes taught by our advisors. These lessons include how to address stress in our lives, how to manage anxiety, how to build healthy relationships, and how to understand other people’s perspectives. We continue to hone these lessons and believe that by interacting with professionals, our students will grow socially and emotionally.

Metro East Web Academy vision

MEWA: Transforming Education by Providing Multiple Innovative Pathways to Student Success.

Metro East Web Academy mission

Redefining the normal. Ministry of Electricity and Water: Breaking through barriers in education.

Metro East Web Academy. Mewa Login

Metro East Web Academy is a public online school accredited by the Oregon Department of Education. The school’s web-based curriculum meets Oregon standards and qualified teachers deliver higher education.

Each Academy student receives a customized educational program designed to meet their unique needs.

We allow students to log in anytime, anywhere. Online learning is supported in a number of ways.

Daily email communication with teachers

Face-to-face check-in sessions with coaches

Field trips and community service projects with other Academy students

Students enrolled in MEWA will get the best of both worlds – an online educational program designed specifically for them, and the benefits of being part of a “learning community” with opportunities to interact with teachers, students, and the world around them!

Metro East Web Academy is specially designed for students who find that a traditional classroom setting does not meet their needs. We continue to develop strategies that support students who feel they are in retreat from the traditional school as well as support students who are separated, frustrated or disenfranchised to harness their interests and creativity in order to achieve success. We believe home school students, home-committed students, and students who left school before graduation will find Metro East Web Academy a suitable educational option. The MEWA staff deeply understand and appreciate student motivation, and we take great pride in celebrating student success.

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