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What is Dolph Lundgrens IQ and How Smart is The Swedish Actor?

Dolph Lundgren has an IQ of 160, making him one of the smartest people (if not outrightly the smartest) in Hollywood. With his IQ level, the Swedish actor and filmmaker could have made it in any profession.

Lundgren was, however, heading down the road of technology and science as he has a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden and the University of Sydney in Australia, respectively. He would later receive a Fulbright scholarship to attend MIT in Boston but did not finish his program as he joined the acting world.

Dolph Lundgren is an Actor and Filmmaker of Swedish Origin

Also called Hans Lundgren, the genius is a Swedish-born Hollywood actor. If you are a fan of action movies, the name should ring a bell. He became famous in the industry after featuring in Rocky IV alongside another popular actor, Sylvester Stallone. Since then, he has acted in several movies, including Masters of the Universe, Showdown in Little Tokyo, The Expendable, etc. In addition to acting, Dolph also directs movies. One of the movies he featured in and directed as well is The defender, it was his directorial debut.

The 66 years old man is a lot of things in addition to being an actor. Before he moved to New York for his acting career, he had served a compulsory two years in the Swedish army from where he got the inspiration to go into martial arts.

Lundgren holds a third-degree black belt for the World Karate Organization in Tokyo. Despite being an actor, he does not neglect his life as a martial artist and athlete. He has made a lot of achievements which include being the Captain of the Swedish National Karate Team and also a Champion of the Swedish, European, and Australian Heavyweight Division titles.

Lundgren was a Braniac in School

More than just physical combat and acting, Dolph Lundgren has an interesting academic record. He was an ‘A’ student in his years in high school. Upon graduation, he studied Chemistry at Washington State University. He also holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. He graduated with the highest mark of most of his classmates when he studied for a master’s degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Sydney. Dolph Lungren’s academic accomplishment is clear evidence that he indeed has a high IQ.

People are born with either low, average, or high Intelligence Quotient. The average IQ of a genius is 140. Dolph happens to fall in the category of people with very high IQ, which qualifies him as a genius. It is as a result of this that the movie star is so versatile and can do a lot of things. Apart from beating people up physically, he can also beat most of them if they were assigned the same task that needs reasoning and intelligence.

How Does Dolph Lundgren’s 160 IQ Score Relate with His Career Successes

IQ is simply a measure of a person’s mental ability. If a lecture is delivered to a group of people in a room, everybody may understand the lecture over time, but some will understand immediately while others will need a little time, and some may even take a very long time and need extra help to grasp what was lectured.

Everybody is born without the knowledge of anything no matter how smart they may be. We all have learned what we know. However, some people like Dolph Lundgren have proven to learn more and faster than others, hence his acting career success. The IQ test is used in grading people based on how quickly and easily they can understand and retain information.

Usually, a person’s IQ can be known through an IQ test. The test is designed to evaluate the person’s long-term and short-term memory, ability to solve puzzles, how well and how quickly a person can recall information, etc. Some IQ tests also involve knowledge-based questions to evaluate how much a person knows about things happening around them.
Experts tend to measure people’s performance strictly based on their IQ.

Psychologists, on the other hand, think that there is more to people’s achievements and success in life than a high IQ. Factors like persistence, opportunity, and ambition contribute a great deal to people’s success. Therefore, although a high IQ is important, you need more than that to succeed. People like Dolph Landgren had to put in extra work to get to where they are, despite their intelligence. A high IQ only makes it easier.

Why is IQ Generally Important?

Over the years, the principle of IQ testing has helped in creating a sort of intelligence-based organization in society. The test was first used to identify and assist students who needed help with school work. Later, it was employed by the US government in selecting soldiers for World War 1. To date, this test is used in different institutions and organizations, including schools, even though it is done in modified ways. It is used in identifying what area a person will function better and to know students that need extra help. Although we are not totally defined by our IQ, it plays a role in our career choices and certain decisions that we make.

IQ: Intelligence vs. Smartness

IQ deals directly with intelligence as the name implies. It measures the level of a person’s intelligence, but it has nothing to do with how smart a person is, or in this case, how smart Dolph Lundgren is. While intelligent people are born, smart people are made. Smartness is learned through reading, experience, and exposure. Intelligence, on the other hand, requires little or no effort. So, a person with an average IQ can be smarter than one with a high IQ. Dolph Lundgren’s level of intelligence has nothing to do with how smart he is. Although some people use them interchangeably, the two mean different things.

Other Celebrities like Dolph Lundgren with Equally High IQ

It is interesting how the smartest of people can be found in the least expected places. Who would think that the entertainment industry would have a good number of intelligent people? Apart from Dolph Lundgren, there are also other Hollywood actors and celebrities with high IQs. Some of them are listed below.

Shakira Isabel Menarak – IQ Score of 140

The popular Colombian has an IQ of 140. Shakira Isabel Menarak, who is a singer, songwriter, and model, started writing poetry at age 4 before she wrote her first song at 8.

Steve Martin – IQ Score of 142

With an IQ of 142, Steve Martin who is a musician, actor, and comedian can come up with great acts that make his audience laugh very hard.

Nolan Gould – IQ Score of 150

The young actor, one of the youngest in the industry, has an IQ of 150. At age 14, Nolan Gould got into college.

Quentin Tarantino – IQ Score of 150

The Oscar-winning film writer and director has an IQ of 160. His high level of intelligence has helped Quentin Tarantino to achieve greatness despite being a dropout.

James Woods – IQ Score of 180

James acquired a full scholarship to MIT with an IQ of 180. However, he dropped out to pursue his acting career. James Woods is equally doing well as an actor.
